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Puertos TCP/IP

La ICANN es responsable en la asignación de números de puertos TCP y UDP para usos específicos.
Los puertos bien conocidos (well-known ports) son los del rango del 0 al 1023; en sistemas operativos derivados del Unix, abrir un puerto de este rango para recibir conexiones entrantes requiere privilegios administrativos.

Los puertos registrados están en el rango desde el 1024 al 49151. Los números de puerto del 49152 al 65535 son puertos dinámicos (privados), no usados por aplicaciones definidas.

Este no es un mecanismo forzado, ICANN provee esta especificación como un conjunto de recomendaciones. A veces los puertos pueden ser utilizados por protocolos o aplicaciones diferentes a su designación oficial, tal sería el caso de una aplicación que no recibió un puerto o rango de puertos registrados por la ICANN, o el de un troyano.

Puertos Conocidos

Puerto Protocolo Servicio Observaciones
1 TCP TCPMUX TCP port service multiplexer
7 TCP - UDP ECHO protocol  
9 TCP - UDP DISCARD Protocol  
13 TCP - UDP DAYTIME protocol  
17 TCP QOTD protocol Quote of the Day
19 TCP CHARGEN protocol Character Generator
19 UDP CHARGEN protocol  
20 TCP FTP - data port File Transfer Protocol
21 TCP FTP - control port command
22 TCP SSH - used for secure logins, file transfers and port forwarding Secure Shell (scp, sftp)
23 TCP Telnet protocol - unencrypted text communications  
25 TCP SMTP - used for sending E-mails Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
37 TCP - UDP TIME protocol  
53 TCP DNS Domain Name Server
53 UDP DNS  
67 UDP BOOTP server; also used by DHCP BootStrap Protocol - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
68 UDP BOOTP client; also used by DHCP  
69 UDP TFTP Trivial File Transfer Protocol
70 TCP Gopher protocol  
79 TCP Finger protocol  
80 TCP HTTP - used for transferring web pages HyperText Transfer Protocol
88 TCP Kerberos - authenticating agent  
109 TCP POP2 Post Office Protocol version 2
110 TCP POP3 Post Office Protocol version 3
113 TCP ident old server identification system, still used by IRC servers to identify its users
119 TCP NNTP - used for retrieving newsgroups messages Network News Transfer Protocol
123 UDP NTP - used for time synchronization Network Time Protocol
139 TCP NetBIOS  
143 TCP IMAP4 - used for retrieving E-mails Internet Message Access Protocol 4
161 UDP SNMP  
179 TCP BGP Border Gateway Protocol
389 TCP LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
443 TCP HTTPS - HTTP over SSL encrypted transmission
445 TCP Microsoft-DS Active Directory, Windows shares, Sasser-worm, Agobot
445 UDP Microsoft-DS SMB file sharing  
465 TCP SMTP over SSL  
514 UDP syslog protocol used for system logging
540 TCP UUCP Unix-to-Unix Copy Protocol
591 TCP FileMaker 6.0 Web Sharing HTTP Alternate, see port 80
636 TCP LDAP over SSL encrypted transmission
666 TCP id Software's DOOM multiplayer game played over TCP  
993 TCP IMAP4 over SSL encrypted transmission
995 TCP POP3 over SSL encrypted transmission

Puertos Registrados

Puerto Protocolo Servicio Observaciones
1080 TCP SOCKS proxy  
1337 TCP DNS. Often used on compromised/infected computers - "1337" a "Leet speak" version of "Elite". See unregistered use below. not to be confused with standard DNS port
1352 TCP IBM Lotus Notes/Domino RCP  
1433 TCP Microsoft SQL database system  
1434 TCP Microsoft SQL Monitor  
1434 UDP Microsoft SQL Monitor  
1984 TCP Big Brother network monitoring tool
1494 TCP Citrix MetaFrame ICA Client  
1863 TCP MSN Messenger  
2427 UDP Cisco MGCP  
3128 TCP HTTP used by web caches and the default port for the Squid cache  
3306 TCP MySQL Database system  
3389 TCP Microsoft Terminal Server RDP
3396 TCP Novell NDPS Printer Agent  
3689 TCP DAAP Digital Audio Access Protocol used by Apple's ITunes  
3690 TCP Subversion version control system  
4899 TCP RAdmin remote administration tool often Trojan horse
5190 TCP AOL and AOL Instant Messenger  
5222 TCP XMPP/Jabber client connection
5269 TCP XMPP/Jabber server connection
5432 TCP PostgreSQL database system  
6000 TCP X11 used for X-windows
6346 TCP Gnutella Filesharing Bearshare, Limewire etc.
6347 UDP Gnutella  
6667 TCP IRC Internet Relay Chat
8000 TCP iRDMI often mistakenly used instead of port 8080
8080 TCP HTTP Alternate (http-alt) used when running a second web server on the same machine (the other is in port 80), for web proxy and caching server, or for running a web server as a non-root user. Default port for Jakarta Tomcat.
8118 TCP Privoxy web proxy advertisements- filtering web proxy

Puertos no Registrados

Puerto Protocolo Servicio Observaciones
981 TCP Sofaware Remote HTTPS management for firewall devices running embedded Checkpoint Firewall-1 software  
1337 TCP WASTE Encrypted File Sharing Program CONFLICT with registered use: menandmics DNS
1521 TCP Oracle database default listener CONFLICT with registered use: nCube License Manager
1761 TCP Novell Zenworks Remote Control utility CONFLICT with registered use: cft-0
2082 TCP CPanel's default port CONFLICT with registered use: Infowave Mobility Server
2086 TCP Web Host Manager's default port CONFLICT with registered use: GNUnet
5000 TCP Universal plug-and-play (UPnP) Windows network device interoperability; Sybase ASE database on Windows platforms; CONFLICT with registered use: commplex-main
5223 TCP XMPP/Jabber default port for SSL Client Connection
5517 TCP Setiqueue Proxy server client for SETI@Home project  
5800 TCP VNC remote desktop protocol for use over HTTP
6112 UDP Blizzard's gaming service CONFLICT with registered use: dtspcd
5900 TCP VNC remote desktop protocol regular port
6600 TCP mpd default port that mpd listens for client connects on
6881 TCP BitTorrent port often used
6969 TCP BitTorrent tracker port CONFLICT with registered use: acmsoda
8000 TCP Common port used for internet radio streams such as those using SHOUTcast  
27010 UDP Half-Life and its mods, such as Counter-Strike  
27015 UDP Half-Life and its mods, such as Counter-Strike  
27960 UDP id Software's Quake 3 and Quake 3 derived games through 27969
31337 TCP Back Orifice - remote administration tool (often Trojan horse) ("31337" is the "Leet speak" version of "Elite")
50000 TCP DB2 database  

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